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You will need to book ASAP, but we need at least one calendar month to have the Notice of Intended Marriage form filled out.

  • First I like to meet you BEFORE booking to see if you would like me and my vibe at your ceremony!
  • Once you have decided that you can’t marry your soulmate without me, you sign a contract with me and pay a non-refundable booking fee of $200. This saves your date in my calendar and no one can take it!.
  • We then meet to fill in your NOIM (Notice of Intended Marriage) and discuss ideas for your ceremony (this can be done in my office or via ZOOM).
  • I then leave you alone to enjoy the planning of your wedding – but am always available to chat, answer emails, text in the meantime.
  • 2 months out from your ceremony, you pay the balance of your invoice and I send you ceremony ideas and secret questions. We then craft your ceremony together and I answer all your questions.
  • The week before the ceremony (or day of) we sign your Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage to make sure everyone is still good to go! We may also do a rehearsal if needed.
  • Day of wedding, I come an hour before to set up, chat to your guests, make sure everyone is ready, we say the things, sign the things, you kiss and we get you married. I do ask for a hug and a quick selfie before leaving you to enjoy your party!
  • I race home (sometimes via maccas- always could do with a cheeseburger post-ceremony) and submit all your paperwork to make you legal!!

I sure do – whether it is just outside Toowoomba or a destination wedding. Send me a message and we will chat!

I do legals only ceremonies where we do all the paperwork required (NOIM and Declaration of No Legal Impediment) and then in the ceremony (which can be done in my office), before two witnesses,  I have to say the Monitum which is: “I am duly authorized by law to solemnize marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.” and you have to say the legal vows, “I call upon the persons here present to witness that I,  your legal name, take thee, partner’s legal, to be my lawful wedded wife/husband/spouse.” (and vice versa).

Then we sign your paperwork with your witnesses, and you are married.

In a ceremony, they are the only legal requirements. You do not have to exchange rings, kiss etc.

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